The RED DSMC1 Revival


For a long as I can remember I’ve always wanted a RED Cinema Camera, but I like many people wasn’t in the position to buy one. I had been repairing cameras for a while when I came across a RED Epic MX and it was extremely reasonably priced, but there was a catch. It wasn’t functioning properly. This was the first opportunity for me to get any sort of experience with the RED camera system so I made the purchase. My troubleshooting on this camera was very limited since there were not extra parts and the company (RED) no longer repaired the DSMC1 body. Nearly a month went by and I had exhausted my already limited resources, but then happened that would change everything. I came across another broken. I figured between the two of them I could make at least one of them work. After days of troubleshooting I finally had some success. Through this journey I learned so much about the internals of this camera to include what each board does and the signal flow of each PCB which is essential to troublshoting. I recorded this entire process and put it out on YouTube. I discovered that I am the only person that repairs REDs DSMC1 camera. With that knowledge I have been going to whatever lengths possible to create awareness within the community so that owners no that there is someone out there that can help them keep their camera alive.